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management productivity systems pvt ltd

B-14, Bombay Market Apt, M.M.Malaviya Road, Tardeo, Mumbai 400034.Tel : +91-022-2352 3552Tel/Fax : +91-022-2352 3554

We help companies improve management productivity through systems

Let us inspire you

Welcome to Management Productivity Systems

MPS was started in 1987 by hemendra k. varma as a proprietary firm called "management productivity systems". hemendra had by then worked 15 years in the industry (9 years in Voltas, Thane, 4 years in G. Claridge, Mumbai & 2 years in Jenson & Nicholson, Calcutta). In 1992, it was incorporated as a private limited company under the name -- pratik management productivity systems private limited but in 2019 it reverted to becoming a proprietary firm -  management productivity systems,  as before.


mps has been doing recruitment work for over three decades now. Some of the organisations for which we have done Recruitment work include :

Atash Developers, Blue Frog, Bright Brothers / Bright Autoplast, DALAL Engineering, D. E. Property Shoppe, DME India, E - Funds, E. Merck, Electronics Devices, Galaxy Sivtek, GRT Hotels, IDT Clothings, JSW Steel, Kilburn Engineering, Midco, Nath group, Oilco Services, Party Time Ice, Rider Industries, Tata Finance, Usher Agro, Videocon Appliances, Videocon Audio, Videocon International, Videocon Narmada

mps's approach to recruitment is to make the best effort to match the client organisation's needs with the applicants background and experience.

This requires us to satisfy ourselves first about the candidates "fit" before recommending his/her name. While this is a somewhat time consuming approach, we believe that it is more effective and mutually beneficial in the long run.

Welcome to Management Productivity Systems

MPS was started in 1987 by hemendra k. varma as a proprietary firm called "management productivity systems". hemendra had by then worked 15 years in the industry (9 years in Voltas, Thane, 4 years in G. Claridge, Mumbai & 2 years in Jenson & Nicholson, Calcutta). In 1992, it was incorporated as a private limited company under the name -- pratik management productivity systems private limited but in 2019 it reverted to becoming a proprietary firm -  management productivity systems,  as before.

Welcome to Management Productivity Systems

MPS was started in 1987 by hemendra k. varma as a proprietary firm called "management productivity systems". hemendra had by then worked 15 years in the industry (9 years in Voltas, Thane, 4 years in G. Claridge, Mumbai & 2 years in Jenson & Nicholson, Calcutta). In 1992, it was incorporated as a private limited company under the name -- pratik management productivity systems private limited but in 2019 it reverted to becoming a proprietary firm -  management productivity systems,  as before.

Welcome to Management Productivity Systems

MPS was started in 1987 by hemendra k. varma as a proprietary firm called "management productivity systems". hemendra had by then worked 15 years in the industry (9 years in Voltas, Thane, 4 years in G. Claridge, Mumbai & 2 years in Jenson & Nicholson, Calcutta). In 1992, it was incorporated as a private limited company under the name -- pratik management productivity systems private limited but in 2019 it reverted to becoming a proprietary firm -  management productivity systems,  as before.

Our Services:


We at mps have a firm belief that a planned and integrated training input is an essential pre - requisite if not, guarantor, of organisational effectiveness.Training carried out, as the outcome of a proper Training needs assessment can be the only foundation for getting tangible gains for the individual and the organisation from this activity.

Further, the training planned should be part of an organic whole with each subsequent programme linked and logically following from the previous exposure instead of being merely a one - off exercise to fulfil the budgetary numbers of achieving โ€œso many hours of trainingโ€ per employee.

It is, of course, a well - known and widely accepted axiom of corporate prudence that whenever there is a resource crunch or recession the first cut is applied to painting,advertising & trainingi.e. to all maintenance activities, be it maintenance of physical assets viz. buildings or plant & machinery (painting!) or maintenance of market share (advertising) or maintenance of human assets viz., employees(training !).At such times, it is good to remember that if training your employees is costly,not training them is costlier.

We work to develop three competencies amongst the participants Functional Competence Managerial Reflexes and based on these two foundations, which anchor the base of the โ€œtraining triangleโ€ sketched below, we assist in building up

Most of our programmes are workshop oriented and encourage the participants to think through what they can implement in their workplace, from the learning imbibed at the programme. For this effort of the participant to bear fruit, " it is incumbent upon the nominating organisations to not merely invite the participant to share โ€œwhat he / she learnt at the programmeโ€ but to consciously encourage him / her to try and implement whatever is relevant and feasible.

Very often, we find that the enthusiasm of the participant is given the โ€œcold shoulderโ€ on return to work, where the inevitable comment is โ€œgood idea, but let us first finish the work at hand before you try something new.โ€ The participant soon gets the message that work is one thing while training is some kind of extra-curricular activity which can be indulged in, only if time permits. This is a sure recipe for ensuring that the learning from any programme never gets translated into tangible results at the workplace. Therefore, while both the trainer and the participants have a major responsibility for ensuring that learning takes place in a programme, it is the organisationโ€™s responsibility to ensure that such learning is translated into useful action permitting and encouraging the participants to try out their newly acquired knowledge.

HR Services

We provide the following services in the broad area of Human Resources :

1. Recruitment & Selection of Employees

2. Developing of various HR Systems in areas like :    2.1 Personnel Policy Manual    2.2 Compensation Structure    2.3 Recruitment Practices & Procedures    2.4 Performance Appraisal System    2.5 Organisation Climate Survey / Employee Satisfaction Survey

3. Running of your HR Department as an outsourced Activity

4. Conducting In โ€“ house Management Training for all Supervisory and Managerial Level Employees

Our Clients include : A.T.E., Blue Frog, Bright Autoplast, Dalal Engineering, Gala Equipment, IDT Clothing, JSW Steel, Kilburn Engineering, Navneet Publications, Partyโ€“time Ice, Sandoz, Uttam Galva, Videocon Appliances, Videocon Audio, Videocon International


Operations Management

  • Developing, Installing and Manualising Operational Systems in manufacturing and sales / marketing areas.

  • Designing and operationalising Management Information Systems --- either manual or computerised for various operational areas of activity.

  • Carrying out Plant Practices Audit, to map existing operating procedures in a manufacturing set-up with aview to identifying bottlenecks and restrictive practices that hinder smooth operations and/or cause leakageand wastage.

  • Implementing World Class Manufacturing Practices like KAIZEN, JIT, SMED, 5S and TPM.

  • Reviewing existing Materials Management practices and making recommendations for better &tighter inventory control to a) aid smooth and uninterrupted production and b) reduce inventory levelsto the minm possible.

  • Designing and installing appropriate Production Planning and Control Systems, eithermanual or computerised, based on the nature of the industry / activity and its specific peculiarities.

  • Developing โ€œMonitoring & Feedbackโ€ Systems for the manufacturing & sales/marketing inter-facewhich is often an area of conflict, confusion & concern.

  • Carrying out AUDITS for the Sales/Marketing functions to assess and determine โ€œto what extentโ€the organisationโ€™s policies in this area are being actually followed and, as a consequence, develop feedbacksystems for proper monitoring & control.

  • Carrying out โ€œ Customer Feedback Auditsโ€ to get an unbiased view of the โ€œcustomersโ€™ perceptionsโ€about the organisation and develop a โ€œresponsive action planโ€ to meet and surpass customer expectations.

Human Resources Development

  • Reviewing existing Organisation Structure, in the context of โ€œCurrent & Future Organisational Goalsโ€and recommending appropriate changes.

  • Carrying out โ€œPersonnel Inventoryโ€ exercises, to determine gaps, if any, vis-ร -vis (1) above, &recommending suitable manpower development / recruitment action.

  • Carrying out Organisation Climate Survey with a view to ascertaining the feelings / opinions of employeeson the companyโ€™s style of functioning and the problems / issues that are agitating the minds of the employees.

  • Designing and Developing Personnel Policy Manuals.

  • Designing and Developing Recruitment Practices & Procedures.

  • Designing and Developing Compensation Structures.

  • Designing, Developing & Operationalising a comprehensive Induction & Career Development Programmefor Management Trainees.

  • Designing, Developing & Running specially designed Communication Programmes for Workmen toestablish credible channels of communication between management & workmen for exchanging information& ideas on work - related matters.

  • Developing & Installing Result - oriented Performance Appraisal Systems

  • Personnel Selection & Recruitment.